Fee Payment Details
Class |
Total Amount
1st Instalment before 5th March (Rs.) |
2nd Instalment before 5th July (Rs.) |
3rd Instalment before 5th October |
Nursery, LKG & UKG |
115000 |
57500 |
28750 |
28750 |
Std. I to V |
136000 |
68000 |
34000 |
34000 |
Std. VI to X |
162000 |
81000 |
40500 |
40500 |
Std. XI to XII |
190000 |
950000 |
47500 |
47500 |
Std. XI to XII (Arts/Commerce) |
160000 | 800000 | 40000 | 40000 |
- School Fee can be paid in 3 installments as mentioned in the above table and there is a discount of 3% if it is paid in one go (one installment).
- There will be a “8%” discount on school/tuition fees every year for sibling.
- The following annual fees will be applicable on a yearly basis to be paid with the first installment of the school fee:
– Pre-Primary: ₹10,000
– Primary: ₹15,000
– Std VI to Std X: ₹20,000
– Std XI to Std XII: ₹25,000 - The cost of admission application form is Rs. 1000/- per application.
- The School doesn’t charge any money for sports programs, extra co- curricular activities, school functions like sports day, annual or cultural functions, any school events or field trip during school hours.
- For hassle – free functioning, the school fee will be collected through ECS mandate in Online mode only. ECS will be set-up by using school ERP/Third party.
- The school provides textbooks, notebooks and stationery without any cost. Before collecting the textbook, notebook and stationery, it is mandatory to;
– (i) Make the payment of the first installment of school fee through ECS by online mode.
– (ii) Set-up ECS for the rest of the installments.
– (iii) Obtain no due certificate from the school for the previous year school fee. - For delay in the tuition or transport fee, a late fee will be levied as mentioned below
(i) Rs. 1000/-, if it Is paid after the 101h day of the payment month until the 251h day of the payment month.
(ii) Rs. 2000/-, fi the fees is paid between the 26″ day of the payment month until the 10* day of the next month.
(iii) Rs. 3000/-, after one month of delay.
(iv) After 60 days of delay, it wil be considered as a re-admission. The re-admission fee is Rs. 10000/-.
(v) The dis-honoured ECS wil carry a fine of Rs. 1000/- plus the bank penalty charges.
(vi) 1a installment payment due date for class Xand XI is 05th February.
(vii) For any competitive coaching program in the school premises within the school hours, there will be an additional fee.
Transport Fee for One year
0-2 Km (Rs) |
0-4 Km |
4-10 Km |
10-15 Km |
15 Km & above |
Up to Std. III |
10000 |
24000 |
28000 |
30000 |
32000 |
Std IV and above |
12000 |
26000 |
30000 |
32000 |
34000 |
(1) Transport facility will be provided 15 days after the transportation fee is paid.
(Il) Transport fee for class Nursery up to standard Il should become paid by 15* May and for class VI and above should be paid by 15″ March.
10. In case the admission is withdrawn in the middle of the academic session, the whole year’s tuition fee and transport fee (if applicable) have to be paid before applying for transfer certificate.
11. Afee for any outstation trip or any after school program, class photograph etc. can be charged, however these wil be optional for the students (they are free to participate or opt out of it).
12. Al the above fees mentioned are non-refundable once paid.
13. As per CBSE Guidelines School doesn’t sell books, stationery, uniform or any other items and school doesn’t accept fee in cash or any other form.
14. Fee hikes will be 5 to 6% on a yearly basis.
Introducing JODO!
Shri Ram Global School OMR has partnered with JODO to help parents pay their child’s school fees in monthly instalments at 0% interest and with a processing fee of Rs 1500/-. We invite the parents to avail of this convenience of paying monthly at no extra cost as the school bears the interest charges for the parent.
About JODO
is a Bangalore-based company that in collaboration with Shri Ram Global School OMR, is enabling hassle-free fee payments for parents. Experience the fully digital and hassle-free process by registering
At the Shri Ram Global school we are acutely sensitive to the nurturing of your child during formative years when human character takes shape.